Saturday, November 14, 2015

Goodbye Minnesota...again.

It can't be real that we're saying goodbye to Minnesota.  Family is here, we own a home here, there's so much history here and we have friends here.  We'll be back!  Whether that's just to visit or someday return to live is still unknown but it's hard to believe we're really leaving.  We left once before when we went to Dominican Republic but we knew that job was only a temporary position.  This time leaving is different.  We are moving to settle somewhere new!  Settle?!  We've been married almost five years and still haven't settled but with the weather and cost of living, Texas really could be the place to keep us...well at least for longer than 1-2 years.  With that said and all the anticipation and excitement we are feeling, there is still sadness.  Change is hard, leaving is hard, missing family and friends is hard.

We are so so grateful for the beautiful goodbye party Kristy threw for us tonight!  Thanks to EVERYONE who came to say goodbye! It was so fun to see people from all different parts of our life come together at one gathering.  It was like a reunion and each person there is so special to me and my family for a different reason.  I sure can't wait for you all to come and visit and I'm grateful for the technology that will hold us together in between.

I want to write something profound about Minnesota, the people, and all the things I'll miss and am grateful for but I'm not feeling it tonight.  Tonight I'm just feeling like "Minnesota is home" and I am grateful for that!

Here are some pictures from our party:

Thank you Nell for the MN onesie, she sure needed it today!

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