Saturday, November 14, 2015

My Epistle to Joaquin on his Third Birthday

I love my birthday poem tradition.  I don't have a lot of traditions yet as we are a young family that can't seem to stop moving but I do look forward to writing my kids their birthday poem each year.  Here and here are Joaquin's poems from previous years and this year on his third birthday I've written him an epistle!

Joaquin Joaquin, do you know who you are?
Do you know what you've done to my life?
I see you as my guardian angel, my comforter.
Why? You may ask,
Because of you being by my side.
As I reflect on our three years
I can remember so many things
Your talents, your interests, your behavior...
But what comes to mind first
is you being by my side.
The month I spent alone when daddy traveled for work,
you were there.
The day you and I flew to a foreign country to meet daddy and start a new life,
you were there.
When Khaleesi was born and I was in the hospital for three days,
you were still there.
When Khalessi was sick and returned to the hospital for five days,
it was you that cuddled me in the hospital bed.
It's you that tells me not to cry.
I don't know how you do what you do at only three years
but I don't know how I got through anything hard before you.
This Joaquin is why you're my guardian angel and my comforter.
I love you,
Happy Birthday!

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