Saturday, December 5, 2015

Texas Commencement

So much has happened in the past two weeks!  We made it to Dallas!  It was a two day road trip in two cars with two kids and a dog but we did it. We only had to stop twice per day with one time being for everyone to eat and the other time to feed the baby. 

Biscuit on the luggage cart

Who doesn't love childhood hotel pool memories?

This only lasted so long until we needed the pack n play. 

Once arriving in Dallas, we stayed with Jesus’s cousin and his family in McKinney.  They are the best for letting us stay with them and Joaquin had the greatest time playing with their kids.  McKinney is a beautiful suburb of Dallas with brick homes, cute neighborhoods, community pools and every store and restaurant you need. During our stay there we began furniture shopping, apartment hunting, getting new insurance, changing our address, applying for Texas licenses, etc etc…

Hutchins BBQ in McKinney voted best 2014
Over Thanksgiving, we drove another five hours to Alexandria, Louisiana to stay with Jesus’ sister and her family for the holiday.  We went to a friend of theirs for a Puerto Rican/Dominican/American Thanksgiving dinner and then of went shopping.  Shopping however was cut short by the shooting that occurred at the local mall (really?!).  Oh Alexandria, what  can I say about you and your small town lifestyle?  Let me put it like this, my brother in law says he is fine living there because it has everything he typically does in a day: goes to work, plays tennis, goes home.  There’s a JC Penny to buy clothes and a movie theatre.  He can go on road trips to places like Houston or New Orleans on the weekends.  He has a point, it is sufficient but sufficient is the only word I’ll use to describe it.  I personally just prefer a little more action.

My niece and nephew and my babies photo shoot!
Black Friday/Thanksgiving shopping

Thanksgiving dinner

Super cool Alexandria safari where Joaquin had no fear of the animals.

I was a little more hesitant.

 After Thanksgiving break, we returned to Dallas and moved in our apartment.  If I want action,  I’m getting it as we are in the heart of the city.  Just 15 minutes from downtown and close to tons of stores, restaurants and two beautiful malls.

I haven’t started working yet because transferring my out of state teaching license has been a very extensive process (ugh it’s getting stressful!) but thankfully Jesus is still working remotely.

I will say that we are definitely in the south and it’s been fun pointing out all the little culture shocks.

1.     While in Kansas City on our road trip here, they served biscuits and gravy in the hotel continental breakfast!
2.     The place I got my fingerprints for my new job was also a place that taught conceal and carry classes with a lovely sign saying “Prayer is a great way to met the Lord but trespassing is faster.”
3.     Everything really is bigger in Texas!  Big freeways, big populations, big furniture stores, biggest indoor Christmas tree, you name it!
4.     I don’t remember what state I was in during my travels but I saw the biggest Baptist church!  It looked like a mall…well it used to  be a mall and now was one ginormous church!
5.     The word Y’all is not a stereotype.  It’s real and everyone says it.  I wonder if it will ever become second nature for me.
6.     The word M’am is also second nature and it’s almost like it’s rude if you don’t say it.  I used to hate when people called me M’am in MN because it made me feel old but not here.  Here I just think it’s so polite because that’s the intention.
7.     Speaking of polite…people are so nice here!  People wave you on in traffic and four way stops.  People hold doors, say hello, and are in general so helpful!  I won’t bore you with my specific examples.  I’m from the land of “Minnesota nice” and yet here the kindness is  still so obvious to me!
8.     I ate at a fast food fried chicken place and they served me fried okra, a yeast roll and the spicy seasoning on the chicken was good enough to make my nose run!  Thank goodness my apartment has a gym!
9.     And of course BBQ and Tex-Mex here have not disappointed.

You can take the girl out of Minnesota but you can't take Minnesota out of the girl.  Skating rink in the mall and the country's tallest indoor Christmas tree.

 We are still unpacking and decorating and doing paper work things to get settled.  Tomorrow is our first day in our new ward at church and so far we’ve had a good experience of people from there helping us to move in, and then one of their familys' coming over to meet us and bringing the most delicious white chocolate covered popcorn.  It’s a bilingual ward with 20-25% latinos and they do a lot of things in both Spanish and English so that is perfect for our family!

What a whirlwind and what an adventure we have begun. It’s been an adjustment for Joaquin and it broke my heart every day the first week when he said he wanted to go home and play with grandma Jane but now when we are out, he says he wants to go back to our apartment so I think he’s finally learning that we’re staying.  My anxiety is starting to kick in with also realizing we are staying and it’s not vacation anymore.  I really think we are going to love it here and we get more excited each day we drive around and see new things but of course I’ll get homesick and will need to adjust.  While it does give me some anxiety, my excitement and all the things we love about Dallas already are winning out…

Moving is exhausting.  Finally a family moment crashing on our couch!

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