Friday, January 3, 2014

It's cooking time! A new goal.

In my church there is a program for all of the young women to complete called Personal Progress.  It helps teenage girls come closer to Christ in their life through scripture study, prayer, living Christlike attributes and life skills.  Since I am a youth leader and never completed this program when I was a youth, I am now doing it  and only have one project of my choice left in addition to finishing reading the Book of Mormon again.  So what have I chosen for my final project?!  It’s cooking time!  This could even be a New Years Resolution I suppose.

I have completed several cooking challenges in my life from taking cooking classes to finding several new recipes online and while that has all been fun, nothing has turned me into a home cook that enjoys cooking and stops eating out/ordering in.  Today I have a new idea!  Instead of trying various recipes online only to not save and forget about, I’m going to work my way through a cookbook!  I’m not saying I’ll try every recipe in the book but I’m saying I’ll try and stick to just one book to keep myself focused and not forget the things that actually turn out good!  I researched specifically cookbooks that are good for beginners or that are quick and easy.  The one I’ve decided to try is Michael Symon’s 5 in 5.  He claims to have meals you can prepare in five minutes with five ingredients.  I plan to get the ebook on our new Christmas present IPad. I'll be able to prop my Ipad on the kitchen counter and he includes a grocery list generator I can simply email to myself.  After reading reviews, I realize there may be prep work in addition to the five mintues and pantry ingredients in addition to the five fresh ingredients but all in all it still sounds like one of the easier books I found…let’s hope!

Image taken from:,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
You won't see me getting in trouble for copyright.
This doesn't even have to be in MLA, APA, XYZ format 'cause it's MY blog.  Take that University of Minnesota! ;)
So here’s to a new goal!  To be honest, I really stink at finishing my goals, which doesn’t typically bother me, but I always have fun starting so I can’t wait to see how I do!  This goal is for myself to finally enjoy cooking at home and for my family to eat healthier and save money. With all the cooking challenges I’ve tried, I’m just crossing my fingers this can be the one that works!  C’mon 5 in 5!

***Check in on the last goal I documented***
Do you remember the thirty minutes thirty days no electronics challenge back in September?  You can view it at:
Well that only lasted a couple weeks (perfect example of me starting and not finishing).  However the goal was to spend uninterrupted time together as a couple and while we didn’t stay consistent with the exact plan, it still helped us to realize the problem and helped us to remember to focus solely on each other without texting, video games, open computers, etc. in general. We still remember this today and I think the goal created an overall change of consciousness so I am happy with that.

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