Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A check in on mommy-hood and nine month photos!

The original inspiration for me to write a blog was my life’s transition into motherhood.  Although my life has taken some crazy turns and transitioned into a travel log of my life in the Dominican Republic, I’d like to revisit being a mom.  The best thing about our move to the Dominican Republic is that it gave me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom!  It’s what I’ve always wanted and I really really love it.  However there are days that are hard and tiring and more often than I thought, even boredom.  I’m lucky to be able to teach some English classes part time because that is the perfect set up for me.  Home for the majority but still the opportunity to go out and work on my own. 

Joaquin is nine months already!  He has his two bottom front teeth and looks like he wants to be an early walker but we’ll see!  He walks around hanging onto furniture and can stand without holding onto things for about 5 seconds.  Joaquin has been eating all kinds of new foods and since he can eat more chunky things than purees, I’ve found the genius idea of canned veggies since most of my cooking endeavors are still…well…I’m working on it.  Joaquin is babbling lots and says baba, mama and today I may have heard nana.  I’d like to say mama was his first real word but I don’t count it because it’s not associated with me.  It’s associated with whatever he wants.  He just screams mama all day…not as lovely as I thought it would be hearing that word but of course anytime he talks is adorable. He still LOVES the pool and we go swimming almost every day.  One thing that is tough here about being a stay at home mom is that I don’t have a car so if I need to run errands I have to take a taxi and carry Joaquin around in his car seat.  Joaquin is already 24 pounds at 9 months so this is getting harder to do.  Needing a taxi means it’s also harder to take Joaquin on outings like a walk around the mall or a trip to the zoo but let’s be honest, it would be much too hot to walk around a zoo for long and those outings would be more for me and my need to get out of the house. Luckily Joaquin’s favorite thing is the pool and we can do that right here at home anytime.

I feel like Joaquin changes every month!  I remember hitting a five-month slump where I did feel boredom because I just didn’t have a lot of activities to do with a five month old. Now he’s nine months and I feel more tired than I ever did when he was a newborn because he’s just so active and loves to be chased, dance, play peek a boo and everything that makes mommy tired.  But I do have to say I think this age is so much more fun!  I’m nervous for Joaquin to start walking because he already loves opening drawers and cupboards when he drives around in his little baby walker and he still puts everything in his mouth.  I guess I’ve finally got some baby proofing to do! 

Another thing about my little 9-month old has been happening for quite a while.  This baby is regular!  It never fails that every morning when he wakes up, we go into his room and find a poopy diaper.  At least fifty percent of the time it’s a blow out.  “The best part of waking up…” How does this keep happening?!  It’s happened in several brands of diapers.  Speaking of Joaquin waking up, we are also enjoying a baby that sleeps through the night.  He goes down around 8 or 8:30 and is up between 6:30 and 7…honestly anything before 7 is rough so maybe one day…but I can’t complain when I have an all night sleeper.  He was a good sleeper in the beginning of his life but then we hit a rough patch around 4-6 months with the transition of moving and letting him sleep with us.  After some tough nights of letting him “cry it out,” we found success and now he just loves his crib in his room! 

I have to tell you I think I’m ready for Joaquin to have a little brother or sister but we won’t be trying for that just yet.  I can only imagine a toddler and a baby will be quite the challenge but I’m just so excited for Joaquin to have someone else to play with...although it will be months after the second baby is even born before the new baby can even do anything. ;)

Here are some photos from Joaquin’s nine-month photo session that we took ourselves at the monument in Santiago.  We don’t often use a professional photographer because we have a professional camera and have lots of fun doing the photos ourselves.  

Rolling down the hill

Check out that expression looking at the stone man!

Joaquin loves his cousin Manny!
With the family (Jesus' aunt Lala, me, Joaquin and cousin Manny)

A photo with the love of my life...granted the cheesiness of this photo is unrealistic because we do not do piggy backs often!

Peek a boo!
Pinterest shot
Cute or awkward family photo???

Yes!  I got a kiss from the squirmy one who hates to be held!  I used to think it was gross to kiss my baby on the mouth with all of his saliva...babys were a new world for me and now look at me!


  1. I love all of the pictures! My favorites are the ones of you guys playing with him, it's like you are capturing the fun moments. He is such a handsome little boy!

  2. oh my all the pics are glorious...and that family photo...a treasure!!!
