But for those interested or other pregnant friends wanting to relate, here's what's been happening.
Trimester two:
- After being nauseous through trimester one, I finally felt like myself again!
- My biggest craving was steak fries.
- I could literally feel the right side of my stomach get hard while the left stayed squishy because the baby was growing all over my right uterus. (Yes there's two...you'll have to back track my blogs to read about that).
Trimester three:
- So much for feeling like myself again! This pregnancy has been substantially more difficult than my first. My friend says I'm experiencing "second baby syndrome." Or I'm just more out of shape?!
- The back pain I had with Joaquin from a crooked belly and a baby crunched all on my right side has returned with a vengeance for baby number 2.
- It hurst to walk because my muscles feel so sore all the time.
- Pepcid AC is working much better for my acid reflux than Tums...not perfect but better.
- I feel bigger than I ever did with Joaquin but people still say I look small and I measure small...believe me that doesn't matter, pregnant is pregnant!
- I wear dresses now...on weekdays!
- Traveling in the third trimester is nerve wracking but totally doable. Sure I got motion sickness on my flights at 30 weeks and my feet swelled like balloons on a two day road trip at 36 weeks but both trips were more than worth it. Watching one of my best friends get married in New York and then visiting my mother in law in Utah were both necessary and lovely vacations.
- Two of my doctors have been almost positive the baby is head down and up until two days ago I was planning for a VBAC!
- Two days ago, the ultrasound found the baby was breech and it's looking like I'll have another c-scetion. The downside is the more c-sections you have, the more scar tissue you get which increases risk of rupturing each pregnancy and I want more pregnancies (but really I know plenty of people who have had plenty of c-sections without rupturing). The upside is we can schedule our c-section and plan for exactly when this little girl will come! I got to have Joaquin at 39 weeks and IF the doctors let me do that again, I will have this baby out of me in two weeks!
- At the beginning of my pregnancy, I switched doctors just to have the baby at the hospital 30 seconds from my house. How convenient for my husband to take my son back and forth!
- Last week, I received a call that the hospital 30 seconds away is closing their labor and delivery unit and I now have to deliver at the hospital further away. BUT this further hospital is opening a brand new mother-baby center partnering with Childrens Hospital of MN on July 27 and my husband is hoping we can schedule our c-section opening day and be the first baby delivered there! Is that wishful thinking or will it really happen? Time will tell once we sort that out.
- I'm so grateful to everyone who has given me hand me down baby supplies and bought be me new clothes for this baby girl! While I started with just a few things I saved from Joaquin, I now believe I have everything I'll need for a baby girl and her wardrobe is looking adorable!
Well I just wanted to document some memories so there you have it. Let's hope my next blog about this baby is my birth story! Here's a few shots from our maternity session with Megan Ashley Photography MN.
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