When Joaquin turned one, I wrote him a poem and committed to writing him one every year. Here is his second birthday poem.
On this birthday Joaquin, you turn two
You’re a toddler now, being a baby you’re through!
Your personality has really begun to shine
The things I’ll list about you will remind you of this time.
Daddy says you’re “becoming a little parrot”
Because you can repeat all we say even if we don’t think you
hear it!
With your words, you can ask for anything you need
From your puzzles to bano, to “more leche please.”
It’s cute when you say “frio” outside in the cold
And even cuter when you pray for all the vocabulary you know!
You’re very active and love playing sports
You like basketball, volleyball and any ball of course!
You can throw your arms in the air and yell “touch down”
And then you yell “Yaaaaaay” your happiest sound.
You love Spider-man, Elmo and Cookie Monster
And you love toy trains, especially Thomas.
More of your favorites include blocks and building towers
And you love crashing tunnels and forts with all your power!
You love milk, corn, edamame and sushi
Vitamins and gummy bears probably because they’re both
You love to put on mom’s chap stick and lotion
And you really love any spinning motion!
Your love watching Arthur, George and Daniel Tiger
And of course, Youtube’s Itsy Bitsy Spider.
You know all the actions to your fav nursery rhymes
Patty cake, wheels on the bus and so many more kinds!
We love hearing you sing in the back seat of the car
To your children’s CD or the radio’s pop stars!
“’Bout that bass” and “Animal” are favorites for you
And you always applaud when a song is through.
Your puppy has proven to be your best friend
You cuddle him, walk him and even discipline
You tell him “down” and “no barking” just like mom and dad
Then you play by slapping him in rhythm to “This old man.”
Our great sleeping baby has entered a rut
As a toddler, you prefer to sleep with us
But I have a trick that works just for naps
Before putting you down, your arms around me you wrap.
I sing Twinkle twinkle and hold you tight
After I lay you down, you’re out like a light.
(If only my trick worked at night!)
It’s amazing to see you becoming so smart
How you know your shapes and touch your chest when you say
You are bilingual in speech and understanding
And when shown a photo or Facetime, you can name all your
This past year we went through another change
We moved back home to the United States
Maybe all the change caused your separation anxiety
But you’ve overcome that and it’s been most exciting!
Feliz Cumpleanos to my little toddler
You keep getting better and I keep growing fonder!
Great idea! It will be so nice to look back at these poems one day! Very creative Becky!