Monday, November 18, 2013

New puppy, new schedule, new life

I recently quit teaching my pre-school English class.  I didn't love it.  I knew I wouldn't but I went in with a positive attitude and learned to love those little kids but overall still didn't love teaching the class.  Pre-school is just an age I've never favored.  I used to tell Jesus we needed to have children only age 5 and up.  Clearly that's changed for me since having Joaquin and I've learned to love babies but since he's not in pre-school yet, that age still drives me a little nuts.  I was actually looking for a way to quit and luckily something fell into my lap, as guilty as I felt about leaving.  Jesus's aunt was babysitting Joaquin for me while I taught but once I got a dog that all changed.  I used to be afraid of dogs before I ever had one and I still am afraid of big dogs. But Jesus's aunts fear is unlike any I've ever seen before, bless her. She claims to not be scared and that animals just make her sick and want to vomit but I'm pretty sure it' a phobia.  Earlier last week she arrived at my house for Joaquin's birthday to help set up.  I was out getting the cake and a friend was here to let her in.  When I came home I saw the puppy was in the room by himself while my aunt visited with Joaquin.  At this time my puppy was brand new and not accustomed to being left alone in the room so I took him out but held him and made sure he did not go close to my aunt.  That wasn't enough.  When I ran another errand, then next thing I knew my aunt was gone and didn't stay for Joaquin's party. I'm not offended because I feel she has a very legitimate fear and I wish I could help her without locking up the dog the whole party.  She also told me she could no longer come over to watch Joaquin which I understand knowing my own phobia.  I then had my out to quit my preschool English class which was a happy little blessing for me.  I still have my class I teach at the church and in January I will be teaching English at Jesus's office once a week.  Two classes instead of four with a new puppy and Joaquin suits me much better!

Our little Biscuit

Speaking of the puppy...I know a lot of my friends have doubted us.  We had a dog in MN and we didn't have the time to properly care for or train him.  We both worked full time and the poor but extremely energetic puppy was stuck in his kennel all day.  It made me feel terrible and I was having the hardest time training him on my own because while we were both gone in the day, Jesus had even more commitments in the evenings.  So we gave our little pup to a family with a yard, a stay at home mom and children.  A much better life for our little guy.  Now however I don't work full time!  I just teach a couple classes a week.  I am here with my puppy and have time to take him on walks, train him and love him.  He is perfect companion for Joaquin!  They love to play together even though they both have been told to be gentle with the's mostly Joaquin that needs to be gentle but now the pup is starting to keep up with him. I love that this puppy listens to me and I feel like I have control whereas with the last puppy, I didn't. The two puppies are also completely different breeds and if I've learned anything from having dogs, it's breeds matter.  I went from Australian cattle dog to Yorkie.

I feel more like a stay at home mom now.  Joaquin obviously switched me into that role but now with a baby, a puppy and less classes to teach, I really feel like a "mom!"  It's the little moments like lunch time when I stick Joaquin in his high chair and put out food for the dog while I eat standing at the counter and feeding Joaquin.  It's our little system for us all to eat together since I don't have a dining room table.  Or how every morning we take a walk together with Joaquin in his stroller and Biscuit on his leash in my hand while I push.  Then there's the moments where I don't feel obligated to play with my baby because he's entertained by the dog.  Clearly my dog's no 24 hour babysitter but he does give me a break and I take it.

You can caption this...or guess what happens next...

I'm so so happy with this new puppy.  He's like a new baby that loves to cuddle with us. He and Joaquin just follow me around all day like little ducks.  It's a pretty decent life.  Minus the inevitable of the two babies putting the same toys in their mouth or Joaquin playing in the dog's water dish or fresh pee...what can you expect with a baby and a puppy?!

Drying after his first bath

PS if anyone has potty training tips for the little guy that would help.  We are doing indoor newspaper training because I cannot take Joaquin and the pup down three levels to go outside every hour.  He has started going potty on the paper but how do I get him to do it every time? Every time I catch him pee elsewhere I bring him to the paper. Maybe it just takes time, we've only had him a week.  Luckily I have super easy tile floors to clean for when he forgets.

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