Monday, November 18, 2013

New puppy, new schedule, new life

I recently quit teaching my pre-school English class.  I didn't love it.  I knew I wouldn't but I went in with a positive attitude and learned to love those little kids but overall still didn't love teaching the class.  Pre-school is just an age I've never favored.  I used to tell Jesus we needed to have children only age 5 and up.  Clearly that's changed for me since having Joaquin and I've learned to love babies but since he's not in pre-school yet, that age still drives me a little nuts.  I was actually looking for a way to quit and luckily something fell into my lap, as guilty as I felt about leaving.  Jesus's aunt was babysitting Joaquin for me while I taught but once I got a dog that all changed.  I used to be afraid of dogs before I ever had one and I still am afraid of big dogs. But Jesus's aunts fear is unlike any I've ever seen before, bless her. She claims to not be scared and that animals just make her sick and want to vomit but I'm pretty sure it' a phobia.  Earlier last week she arrived at my house for Joaquin's birthday to help set up.  I was out getting the cake and a friend was here to let her in.  When I came home I saw the puppy was in the room by himself while my aunt visited with Joaquin.  At this time my puppy was brand new and not accustomed to being left alone in the room so I took him out but held him and made sure he did not go close to my aunt.  That wasn't enough.  When I ran another errand, then next thing I knew my aunt was gone and didn't stay for Joaquin's party. I'm not offended because I feel she has a very legitimate fear and I wish I could help her without locking up the dog the whole party.  She also told me she could no longer come over to watch Joaquin which I understand knowing my own phobia.  I then had my out to quit my preschool English class which was a happy little blessing for me.  I still have my class I teach at the church and in January I will be teaching English at Jesus's office once a week.  Two classes instead of four with a new puppy and Joaquin suits me much better!

Our little Biscuit

Speaking of the puppy...I know a lot of my friends have doubted us.  We had a dog in MN and we didn't have the time to properly care for or train him.  We both worked full time and the poor but extremely energetic puppy was stuck in his kennel all day.  It made me feel terrible and I was having the hardest time training him on my own because while we were both gone in the day, Jesus had even more commitments in the evenings.  So we gave our little pup to a family with a yard, a stay at home mom and children.  A much better life for our little guy.  Now however I don't work full time!  I just teach a couple classes a week.  I am here with my puppy and have time to take him on walks, train him and love him.  He is perfect companion for Joaquin!  They love to play together even though they both have been told to be gentle with the's mostly Joaquin that needs to be gentle but now the pup is starting to keep up with him. I love that this puppy listens to me and I feel like I have control whereas with the last puppy, I didn't. The two puppies are also completely different breeds and if I've learned anything from having dogs, it's breeds matter.  I went from Australian cattle dog to Yorkie.

I feel more like a stay at home mom now.  Joaquin obviously switched me into that role but now with a baby, a puppy and less classes to teach, I really feel like a "mom!"  It's the little moments like lunch time when I stick Joaquin in his high chair and put out food for the dog while I eat standing at the counter and feeding Joaquin.  It's our little system for us all to eat together since I don't have a dining room table.  Or how every morning we take a walk together with Joaquin in his stroller and Biscuit on his leash in my hand while I push.  Then there's the moments where I don't feel obligated to play with my baby because he's entertained by the dog.  Clearly my dog's no 24 hour babysitter but he does give me a break and I take it.

You can caption this...or guess what happens next...

I'm so so happy with this new puppy.  He's like a new baby that loves to cuddle with us. He and Joaquin just follow me around all day like little ducks.  It's a pretty decent life.  Minus the inevitable of the two babies putting the same toys in their mouth or Joaquin playing in the dog's water dish or fresh pee...what can you expect with a baby and a puppy?!

Drying after his first bath

PS if anyone has potty training tips for the little guy that would help.  We are doing indoor newspaper training because I cannot take Joaquin and the pup down three levels to go outside every hour.  He has started going potty on the paper but how do I get him to do it every time? Every time I catch him pee elsewhere I bring him to the paper. Maybe it just takes time, we've only had him a week.  Luckily I have super easy tile floors to clean for when he forgets.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our New Jag turns one!

I can barely think about how happy Joaquin makes me without it bringing tears to my eyes.  I’ve learned a whole new kind of love this past year since he’s been in my life.  It’s a feeling I can’t even describe and I can’t believe that every parent in the world feels this same overwhelming happineess for their children because it feels so unique to me. But I know that every parent really does.  I mean, even my parents!  They feel the same love for me that I feel for Joaquin?  That’s so weird and something I’ve taken for granted too long.  Joaquin is the reason this lovely blog got started.  I ventured into motherhood with “Our New JAG” and I had to write about it. So why a tribute to my son?  Because he’s one today of course!  A whole year has gone by and in spite of every challenge and change I’ve faced, I’m pretty sure it’s been the best year of my life because of him!

Joaquin’s my son, he is my joy.
His giant brown eyes I’ll forever adore.
I love to hear his little giggle
While daddy tosses him, plays and tickles.
My favorite’s when his eyes lock mine,
And then he smiles every time.
Or when he comes to me for a quick hug,
But I don’t let go as much as he tugs.
It’s true I wish my boy liked to be held
But instead he likes running and walking all by himself.
Except for when daddy takes me in his arms,
Then comes the jealous one from no matter how far.
While he may be independent he still needs his mom
He finally cries when I leave, a bittersweet sound.
He may be one wearing clothes for age two
But he’s our “Little Beast” and you’d love him too.
When we say “un besito” and he gives us a kiss
to the memories I’ll begin to list:

From the day he was born and wanted skin on skin
But the second I held him, my anesthetics kicked in.
For the next 24 hours a barf bag sat by my side
And I couldn’t hold my baby and couldn’t even cry.
That was the moment my husband showed me who he was
When he took off his shirt and gave Joaquin that needed love.

I’ll never forget the day daddy and baby were about to shower
When Joaquin began to pee and I heard my name being hollered.
I ran to the the rescue and held Joaquin while dad prepared
And the next thing I knew, was projectile poop from my toes to my hair.

Four months later came a great change
We acceoted a job in a far away place.
I travelled with Joaquin to meet my husband there
And I remember so much that feeling of fear.
Crying in the terminal just wanting the nerves to end
But Joaquin flew like a champ and cried for a total minutes of ten.

Or the memory only my husband has
While I was out, thank goodness for that.
A safety pin caught our baby’s mouth
Stuck in his upper roof, and wouldn’t come out.
But dad held him down,  and wiggled and pulled
The pin finaly came out and this story I was told!

I hope to never forget all his cute faces
Like the one where he sniffles and is called “Viejita.”
This is the term for little old lady
Because he scrunches his face until no more a baby.

Joaquin is my angel, a blessing from God
I thank all of you who have helped him along.

Today is his day, the day he turns One!
I couldn’t be more excited for the memories to come.

I love you bebe lindo!  Happy Birthday!

If you look closely you will see that the cake fell while we were trying to get a photo of Joaquin because his cake matched his shirt...but we fixed it up and it was still delicious!

Friday, November 1, 2013

"This blogpost is probably too personal and better suited for a journal entry but..."

Everywhere I go lately, quotes have been popping up in my face about choosing to be happy no matter your circumstance. Especially quotes from LDS Prophet President Hinckley and his wife Marjorie like this one: “The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead. The grand and the simple. They are equally wonderful.” 

Actually there’s a whole webpage full of Marjorie’s goodness you can see here:

I remember in my early twenties I had a Bishop at church who always emphasized the importance of being happy.  He said we choose to be happy no matter what is happening around us or to us, happiness is a choice.  Back then I had no problem with this; I firmly believed it and not to have a big head, but I was happiness’s poster child.   Well in spite of the positivity I try and promote on my blog, it has not been an easy 7 months living in a new country nor has it been easy giving up everything I had that was comfortable.  It’s probably important to note that as cool as our little adventure is, we don’t actually live on the beach and drink pina coladas all day. I have found myself in a rut of constant complaining and my husband has made sure to point it out to me because it has been stressing out the whole family.   Over the past couple weeks I have made a stronger effort to stop complaining.   When I first made this commitment I lasted about 30 minutes but now I’m doing much better.

Surely because of my complaining, I’ve also been feeling a darkness in my heart. In my prayers, I haven’t wanted to ask for help because I’ve been trying to express more prayers of gratitude and while that has helped in it’s own way, I forgot that the Lord is with me always and can help me in all things and I could have just expressed my problems to him.  I think another reason I didn’t ask Him for help was because I am stubborn and didn’t want help; I just wanted my way.  I have also felt a darkness in my heart  because I knew I needed to repent for the stress I’ve caused my husband by being so rude to him but I wasn’t repenting because I knew I wasn’t done yet.   I wasn’t done complaining and surely I was going to cause more fights. What it took me a while to appreciate is that my husband does everything for this family and it hasn’t been easy for him moving here either. He misses many of the same things I miss and his job has been very difficult but luckily he finally has a handle on it.  There are many things we know now that we didn’t know before coming here and there are many things we expected that haven’t happened. 

So why am I bearing my awkward soul?  Because I finally get it!  I’m finally feeling this dark spot in my heart starting to be lifted.  I’ve stopped complaining and it’s helping.  It’s not a cure all but it’s helping.  

Do you know how much I love my ward at church here?  My calling with the youth is the most fun ever and I’ve never felt so welcome!  The other night after a youth activity, I asked if someone could walk me home, as American girls shouldn’t be alone at night, and I ended up walking home with a huge possy of teenagers.  I had no fear then. I also know that I am helping lots of people learn English here that I only hope they can use someday. Jesus and I have also made some good friends with some other families and I’m going to be sad and miss them when I do leave eventually.   Not to mention our apartment is a hub for foreigners and we’ve met people from all around the world.  There are so many beautiful parts of this country and I wish I could explore them all in one day but I have to be patient. If you’ve kept up with the blog, you know I’ve already jumped into waterfalls, rode a horse and seen the ocean.  I can’t wait to see Punta Cana!  In November we are heading to an all inclusive resort in Puerto Plata of which I’ve already been to beaches there, but it will be my first all inclusive resort where I can eat anytime I want!  I guess lately I’ve just felt happier and I wanted to share it with you!  This blogpost is probably too personal and better suited for a journal entry but you know me, bearing it all in writing!  I know that I am on an adventure.  I know that my husband is building great career skills and an excellent addition for his resume.  I know that I am doing good where I’m planted.  My son is even learning two langugaes which is much easier for us to do here than in the US.  Now he can speak Spanish with his new cousin being born to my brother and his Mexican wife in March.  There really is a list of things that have benefited us individually and our family here and I hope I can continue in the path of the Hinckleys and their devoutness to happiness.

And because I like blogs with photos here are some current events:

Joaquin dancing with Ellen

Las Aguilas Baseball in Santiago

A little party on a ranch with Jesus's coworkers

Mofungo dinner night with Joaquin helping cook in the back

Incredible Hulk!

When Jesus had a bacterial infection and went to the ER and looked like he was dying but was cured with antibiotics
Jesus seeing where his dad is laid to rest for the first time