Saturday, January 26, 2013

Digital Documenting

I sure do love the idea of having a baby book but I am so not a scrapbooker.  I am however enjoying blogging and I also have been organizing Joaquin's pictures in monthly folders on my computer.  I thought of making a digital baby book but I think the blog will suffice. Here are some of the things I'd like to digitally document:

The pretend birth certificate from the hospital 
with the footprints!

    Passing the newborn hearing screening

 The card the hospital placed on Joaquin's bassinet

 A lovely piece of cord blood. disgusting.

Our hospital bracelets
Joaquin's first bath in the kitchen sink (just like when I was a baby using the kitchen sink!)

Joaquin in the same bassinet used for me as a baby,
he graduated to his crib at just 2 months old!

Certificate of his baby Blessing

Milestone moment: At 10 weeks and 5 days old, Joaquin learned to roll from his front to his back.  I've read that babies will learn to do this as early as  4 months but I'm guessing since Joaquin is the size of a 4 month old he can do it now!  


  1. Go Joaquin!!! He is such a stud. Good idea on digitally documenting everything.

  2. How Beautiful! We need more! He is so so, AJ
