Saturday, January 26, 2013

Digital Documenting

I sure do love the idea of having a baby book but I am so not a scrapbooker.  I am however enjoying blogging and I also have been organizing Joaquin's pictures in monthly folders on my computer.  I thought of making a digital baby book but I think the blog will suffice. Here are some of the things I'd like to digitally document:

The pretend birth certificate from the hospital 
with the footprints!

    Passing the newborn hearing screening

 The card the hospital placed on Joaquin's bassinet

 A lovely piece of cord blood. disgusting.

Our hospital bracelets
Joaquin's first bath in the kitchen sink (just like when I was a baby using the kitchen sink!)

Joaquin in the same bassinet used for me as a baby,
he graduated to his crib at just 2 months old!

Certificate of his baby Blessing

Milestone moment: At 10 weeks and 5 days old, Joaquin learned to roll from his front to his back.  I've read that babies will learn to do this as early as  4 months but I'm guessing since Joaquin is the size of a 4 month old he can do it now!  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Newborn session!

Just a few photos from Joaquin's newborn session even if he's two months by the time I'm posting these...


Yoga, crib sleeping and the holidays, oh my!

So much to write about so little time!  The first encounter I'd like to share is the beginning of my mom and baby yoga class.  I was skeptical at first knowing about the mothers who hang their babies upside down and swing them by their ankles and other poses that sound too dangerous for me but who am I to judge, right?  Anyway I figured the stories I've heard were extreme cases and I just wanted time to bond with my baby!  If you have been reading my blog, you'll know that my first experience of having bonding time to breast feed didn't go so well so I have been yearning for something that could be for just me and baby and I think I've found it.  I am taking the yoga class through community education.  I really adore community ed classes, so affordable with great teachers.  Upon arrival to yoga there were about 4 moms already there who all knew each other from a new mothers class and I just hoped I would fit in and it wouldn't feel so clicky.  Luckily they were all so welcoming and there ended up being about 8 moms and babies in the class total, all of which seemed very nice.  The instructor is young with a two year old and has taken the class before teaching it.  Most of the babies were around 4 months but Joaquin was two months and there was even a six week old. We began with baby massage and that was my favorite part as Joaquin just laughed the whole time! I was in love with his giggles and couldn't stop giggling myself!  Then we began doing yoga poses over and around the baby and taking them in our arms for some other poses.  This part lasted all of five minutes when Joaquin decided he was hungry and had a meltdown in the what could have been a relaxing class...maybe (It is full of babies).  The instructor assured us that it takes most babies 3-4 classes before they make it the whole way through and my baby was only one of three or four other baby meltdowns so it really didn't seem that bad.  However I sure hope it doesn't happen every week!  I am looking forward to continuing the class.  It really was so fun to play with Joaquin and to get some stretching done for myself.  I also look forward to finding new mom friends in my neighborhood.  My aunt is a former yoga instructor and the author of "The Idiots Guide to Yoga."  She too took a baby yoga class and if the topic interests you, you can read her about her experience in the Yoga Chicago article here.

The next big even to report on happened last night!  Well really it began in the day for our two month visit with shots at the pediatrician.  Surprisingly Joaquin had the quickest recovery the lady administering the shots had ever seen as he barely cried!  However he did cry a little more than normal throughout the day so maybe the pain finally kicked in.  Anyhow at our visit with the pediatrician we talked more about Joaquin's sleep habits.  We thought he was doing good getting 3-5 hour stretches at night but the pediatrician said we can expect him to sleep for a 6 hour stretch by two months old. We liked the sound of that and told her he has been sleeping in his bassinet by our bed in our room.  She encouraged us to put him in his own room in his crib at this point and to not even have the monitor on.  Her goal is for us to only wake up when Joaquin is all out crying and not just whining.  I love this pediatrician because she is so good at assuring us we never have to feel guilty if we let him whine or really we never have to feel guilty with anything as we are trying our best as parents.  So immediately we listed to her!  Last night Joaquin slept in his room in his crib for the first time and only woke up once in the night! It wasn't a six hour stretch but it was progress. It was hard for me to have him be alone but I didn't even cry! We originally thought we would make the switch at about three months but I'm so glad we're starting now.  I'm even looking forward to have our room back without the bassinet or baby things taking up space.  I think it's best Joaquin get used to his own room now, the earlier the better in my mind as hard as it may be.  

The last reflection I need to catch up on is the holidays.  I won't write much about this but I'll just say there is nothing better than having a newborn at the holidays!  We have had visitors from both sides of the family and have enjoyed showing off our new love.  Here are some photos meeting the family!

Jesus and Joaquin with the nieces and nephews of my brother and sister in law on Christmas!

My brother and sister in law with their newest little nephew!

The Proud grandparents on my side! Joaquin is looking a little gassy...

My cousin Benny just five years old, adorable!

 My Aunt Joan (mom's sister) who I mentioned in the above yoga article.  She couldn't get enough of little Joaquin!

A very happy aunt, Jesus's sister Martina holding Joaquin at just one week old.  She loves him!

And our little family on New Years!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Parent's Initiation

Is there a crowning moment that makes you realize you really are a parent?  Maybe it's when your child says your name for the first time.  Maybe it's when your child learns to walk and you realize their independence has arrived and there's no stopping them. For me so far It's been amazing watching Joaquin pick up his head and turn it on his own.  It's been great to hear him talk (or babble) more and more.

Here's a picture of Joaquin sitting up just like a little grown up!

The real defining moments of parenthood that I'm thinking of are the ones that let you know there's no turning back.  They make you wonder "what have you really gotten yourself into?" Could it be the first time you got spit up on?  Maybe your child's first "blow out" or even the unprecedented frontal blow out as seen in the graphic photo below!

 Maybe it's that moment when you're sitting in church realizing that you have the screaming baby and have to spend the majority of the meeting in the hall as happened for the first time today.  My crowning moment I'm about to tell you is one I would have never predicted and one I hope never happens again...

I had just jumped into bed around midnight and was so comfy and so happy my wonderful husband (Jesus) was changing the baby and putting him down for the night so I could get some rest.  (On a cheesy side note, Jesus really is wonderful and has made parenthood so much easier than it could be as we truly have a 50-50 partnership in the responsibilities of raising Joaquin).  Anyway as I laid in bed I heard a shriek from the nursery.  Before you worry, I'll tell you this shriek was my husband's as he had just gotten peed on.  Not only was he peed on but Joaquin managed to pee all over himself, up his back and into his hair.  FYI this is nothing yet... At this point of course I was asked to get out of bed and hold the wet baby while Jesus jumped in the shower and prepared the water temperature for Joaquin. Joaquin likes showering with daddy more than his little bathtub.  I sat there on the toilet seat next to the tub waiting for Jesus to get in and hold his arms out to take the baby.  That's when the two of us heard the loudest farting sound imaginable.  To our surprise, my naked baby had just pooped all over me.  It was like projectile diarrhea almost completely covering my underwear and half of my shirt.  Jesus would have most definitely taken a picture for Facebook had I not been in my underwear!  He of course broke out in laughter and I couldn't help but laugh too and then quickly screamed for him to grab the baby.  Jesus took the baby in the shower as I stripped my underwear, threw them in the trash and began bleaching the toilet seat, floor and any areas tainted by this crowning parenthood experience.  So reflect on your crowning moments and ask yourself if you can beat that?!  The story cannot even do justice to the real thing...