Saturday, November 12, 2016

Happy 4th Birthday Joaquin!

Before we get into my FOUR year old's annual birthday poem, here are some pics from his party.  He and his friend Kenton, share the same birthday and are the same age!  So today we shared a party by having breakfast in the park. We had hot chocolate, fancy donuts and embraced the playground!

Hot cocoa



Birthday boys with birthday cake donuts!

Birthday boys' little sisters

And now his poem, written by his "loving mommy."

Joaquin y sus Travesuras

I have never felt more loved than I feel by you.

Sometimes at night, when you’re scared of the dark
I’ll lay by your side until you fall asleep.
You offer me your pillow, your hand and you rub my arm until I’m sleepy too.
It’s the sweetest thing you could possibly do.

Your intelligence is something I’m proud of.
How you follow books with your finger and can count to 100…


This is getting way too sentimental for the year we really had!
Let’s talk about year three, shall we?

“Terrible twos” is a lie.

Three was my hardest year as a parent yet
And it’s not because it was my first year with two kids.
It’s because you were three, three years old!

Why Joaquin why?
Why do you think now, as you approach 4, is the appropriate time to start throwing tantrums?  
Not once as a little toddler did you fall to the ground in a public place, flailing your arms around and crying.
But now? 
Now as you’re almost four years old, you think it’s ok to have a meltdown because I buttoned your jeans and you wanted to do it yourself!

I’m not a mind reader!

Oh hey, and speaking of clothes,  can’t you just wear what I want you to wear? 
If I’m telling you to wear shorts, it’s because it’s hot out.  
If I’m telling you to wear pants, it’s because it’s cold. 

Just trust me.

And why is it such a big deal if I want to make a left turn and you want to make a right when we are walking the dog?  
It’s a big enough deal that makes you stop in your tracks and scream at me!
Why do you scream at everything?  
You scream when you play,
you scream when you sing,
you scream when you’re mad,
you just scream all day!

Hey, are you hungry?  
Do you want eggs?  
I better not overcook them because you’ll stop eating if they have any crispiness on them.  
How about a sandwich? 
Nope, just butter, a butter sandwich is all you ever want. 

For the most part, you and your sister play nice but I see you push her, I see you!
And when you share a bath and it’s time to get out, 
just let me dry her off first without getting upset; 
she’s still a baby!

Remember that one time you ran onto the court and then refused to get off and made me chase you down during mommy’s volleyball game? 
That was cute and by cute, 
I mean embarrassing.

When I try to think of more examples of your behavior to share with you, my mind just replays you saying this lovely word over 
and over 
and over…

Why was year three so hard?!  
I don’t care about your power struggle and your need for independence!  
I am your mother and you will listen to me! 

Wait…I realize what I just said doesn’t mean anything to you.

Year four has got to be better,  
Sure, I wish you could stay little and in my arms forever 
but I don’t wish you would stay three.  
Please grow up at age four,
just a little,
just a little for your mommy.

Happy 4th Birthday Joaquin!
Really, let's have a happy fourth year!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Khaleesi's 1st Birthday Poem

I could have sworn I already wrote a blog post for my sweet little baby turning one and included some pictures of her birthday and smash cake, etc. but I can't find it anywhere!  What I do know is I never wrote her birthday poem.  I made a commitment to myself to write a birthday poem for my children each year and then give them their book of poems on their 18th birthday.  I did this for three years so far with Joaquin.  KJ turned one, three months ago now, and I still haven't written her poem. I've been having a major blog writer's block the last few months while real, adult, difficult life has been happening so maybe that's why.  But I know that this girl deserves every bit of a poem I can muster!  She is a ray of sunshine and cuddles and sweetness that I can't live without. I need her and I love seeing her brother need her as they grow older and closer.  I guess I have two toddlers now (wait, I have a toddler and a pre-schooler?!) and no more a baby!

Here is her poem.  For you, Khaleesi.

My first born child stole my heart
and I prayed you’d take an equal part
It’s been one year and you are mine
You do have my heart, for all of time.

I love your smile and infectious laugh
Your happiness like a contagious blast.

Thanks for being such an easy baby
Cuddling you puts me in a trance, so hazy.

You love walking Biscuit on his leash
And you love eating blueberries for your feast.

The Spanish you’re learning impresses me so
How you follow simple directions,
"Traemelo tus zapatos."

You began to walk just before turning one
And now you run with your brother,
And have too much fun!

The hair on your head is slow to grow
But you’re still the most beautiful toddler I know!
Those chubby cheeks, your little teeth
The way you  scream “mama” and run to me.

I love all the things I learned to do as a mom
To cook for you, bathe you and sing you sweet songs.

I missed you for a time when I went back to teach
But now have no regrets being home,
for its’ you that I need.

Whenever I hold you and people say hi,
you put your head on my shoulder and act so shy.
But I just smile because I’m obsessed
With the way that you snuggle into my chest.

Before having kids, I didn’t do babies
But you are simply the sweetest little lady!

I want to tickle you, play with you, cuddle you…
all the day long.
You’re the cutest little thing
And in my arms, you belong!