After our second child was born, neither of us were sleeping through the night. As I was still recovering from surgery, my generous husband offered to do some extra nighttime feedings using my pumped milk or formula because it was still hard for me getting in and out of bed. Last night his turn was at 2:30am and he hadn't gone to sleep prior. My turn to feed wasn't until 6:30am and I was so grateful to let my husband sleep. But then it happened. Baby girl had a blow out (while I was changing her) into our bed where the whole family was sleeping! My sweet husband had no choice but to wake, get out of bed and help me. He managed to change the baby's clothes while I changed the sheets and myself!! My oldest son, age 2, of course awoke in tears because he thought it was time to wake up and play but we asked him to go back to bed. Then my husband knew just what to do. He laid the baby in my son's bed in the kid's room and then came for my son. He brought him to the kid's room as well and within minutes the three of them were asleep in my son's twin bed while I showered and washed the bed sheets. I'm in tears of gratitude as I write this.
The past few days have been beautiful in so many ways but also so difficult. I'm grateful to so many people who have supported me at this time even when I didn't recognize I needed the support. It's hard to give birth, have surgery, a literal near heart attack (birth story here), try to figure out nursing, pumping and really what's best for my family all while still trying to take care of my son, my little dog and support my husband rather than just bossing him around because it's all so much. I love my new baby and I love my whole family I've been blessed with. It will get easier but I'm so happy to have my husband by my side. He's the reason for this post, the reason for our children/family and I wouldn't be where I am today without him. Thank you mi amor.
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