I recently read a friend's post on Facebook that
said this: "I co-sleep, I breastfeed a toddler while I breastfeed a 3
month old, I wear my baby, I question vaccination schedules, and take a visit
to my essential oil supply before a trip to the doctors office. We are alive,
we are healthy, and we are happy!" To me this implied that she
believed for doing the things she listed, others may perceive those as things
that wouldn't keep her and her babies alive, healthy and happy.
I often have this same thought...that there are people
who believe I am not doing what is absolutely best but for me it's because
I am not doing the things my friend listed above. So we each have the same
thought, that others may think our way isn't best while we are both doing
different things...silly. (Apparently the mommy wars stuff gets into a lot of
our heads one way or another). I guess I do things the mainstream way and
while you may think mainstream is popular, I haven't felt this way at all.
I think it's because most of my friends here lean towards being a
crunchy mama, which is how I would define my friend of
the original Facebook post above...if of course we're labeling. So what's
the opposite of a crunchy mama? What am I? According to Urban
dictionary, I am a silky mama. "Modern mother who prefers medicated
hospital birth, bottle feeding/part time breastfeeding, disposable diapers,
crib sleeping, etc. One who follows the advice of established medical
authority; often tend to be working moms who rely on modern products for
convenience and time management." I truly don't believe one
way is better than the other. The best way to raise a child is what keeps
you all alive, healthy and happy. I just find it interesting reading all
these definitions and seeing where I label myself on the parenting spectrum.
There are quite a few things that intrigue me about crunchy mamas
like baby wearing and cloth diapering and I think we will just have to see how
I am when another child comes along. I do feel like my parenting
experience was almost limited in a way, moving back and forth from
the Dominican Republic during my child's first year and a half of life. We
survived with the bare minimums for him like diapers, bottles and a few toys.
We finally gave in and got a high chair but buying things was hard knowing our
life in Dominican Republic was temporary and we couldn't ship items back and
forth. I also feel like I didn't have time (or make time) to learn
about all the different ways to raise a baby. I was too busy learning the
culture, the language, trying to make friends and just figuring out
daily life like how to pay my bills and get around. I've noticed so
many things since moving back that I just didn't have there. First being
all the cool baby products. I recently saw a bib that has a lip to catch
food in and rinses right out. Did you know I had never seen one of those?
I don't mean this in any negative way but most of our friends with babies
lived in poverty and did not have all these amazing products so of course
I didn't see them. Another thing here in the US are all the playgroups
and mom meet ups online. Internet and especially computers, are
limited there so I definitely didn't have that! There is even a
group of moms here that have a Facebook group for baby wearing with
a baby wearing library where you can check out all kinds of ring
slings, mobys and backpacks. Maybe for the next baby... The US also
has internet shopping for some awesome baby products and cloth diapers but
shipping internationally is much too expensive and most of the places I'd look
don't ship internationally anyway. So maybe I'd be a little more crunchy
had I had a different experience with Joaquin but who knows because honestly
this silky mama thing has fit my life perfectly and myself, dad and baby are
all alive, healthy and happy so for now I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing.
Silky-silk-silk. :)